CS371p Fall 2020: Audie Bethea

Audie Bethea
2 min readAug 30, 2020


Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Dallas, Texas, in a neighborhood called Lake Highlands. It’s about halfway between Plano and Downtown Dallas.

What high school did you attend?

I went to Lake Highlands High School, it’s a public school near where I grew up.

What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?

I played a lot of tennis in high school, our team was super close with each other and I met a lot of my best friends there.

Why did you come to UT?

I grew up a Longhorn, and once I got into CS with in-state tuition, there was no way I could turn it down!

Why are you majoring in CS?

Actually, I didn’t know anything about Computer Science until my senior year of high school. I took an AP Computer Science class because Music Theory didn’t fit into my schedule, and a few weeks into the class I’d already decided that this is what I could see myself doing for a living. So far, I haven’t regretted it one bit!

Why are you in this class?

I’ve heard that Downing’s classes are a staple for CS Upper Divs, and I prefer OOP’s lower level languages like C++ to the higher level languages likely seen in SWE.

What are your expectations of this class?

By the end of this class, I’m expecting to really know C++ inside and out, for starters. I used C++ in Gheith’s OS class a few semesters back, but I never understood much of what was going on underneath the hood.

How much C++ do you already know?

Enough to use it, not enough to teach it. Hopefully that will change!

How did you like the two lectures?

I really enjoyed them so far, I think using the breakout rooms is a great way to establish a community within the class even though we aren’t in person.

How did you feel about the cold calling?

Sounds scary. I just hope I have clothes on when I get called on.

What made you happy this week?

I got to cook with my girlfriend and her roommates last night. I’m not a very good chef, but I still felt like an important part of the process, with my moral support and all. Plus, they paid for the food!

